Thursday, July 31, 2014


It is summer right now, full of heat, boredom, and the anticipation for school. You may think that I am crazy for wanting to go back to school, but one thing you don't know about me is that I am a teachers' daughter. When I it  comes to school I can't mess around. My whole elementary school life I have never been able to get in trouble because my mom was a few doors away. I am especially excited to go into 7th grade because for the past two years I have been my mom's student. In 7th grade I won't be in her class,but I will be in my fathers' class. Yup, laugh it up. Both of my parents are teachers. Haha, very funny, NOT! Another great thing is that I won't have the same schedule as anyone else.
  So in the big rush of school I have a few tips to make your school year great whether you're in 7th grade or college.
1.  Stay quiet and out of trouble for the first few days of school until you get familiar with your schedule.
2.  Don't worry about not being able to see your friends. You can always take a class together or you always have lunch.
3.  When in doubt of your school supplies: customize!
4.  Be nice to your teachers on open house because they are just as nervous as you!
5.  If you are new to a school try to make friends not enemies!
Do you have any tips for back to school? I would love to hear them in the comments!!