Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tommorow is the Day!!

Tommorow, my strangers, is the first day of school! I am even more excited than before because yesterday was Open House  where I got a hint of school life, so now I am pumped for school! In celebration of school I have made a beginning of year questionnaire. Here is how it works...                     

I will give you a list of questions you write them down and answer them.

Put your Q and A's in an envelope then stick it in the back of your locker.

Open it on the last day of school! See if any of your answers have changed!

Beginning year questionnaire questions

1. What is your favorite...
School food:

2. What size is...
Is your hand:
Is your foot:
Is you hair:
How tall:

3. How do you like your...

4. Who do you think will be your favorite teacher?

5. What are your goals for the year?

6. Who are your friends?

7. Are their any new kids?

Of course you can feel free to put any more questions. I would love to hear them in the comments! If you are starting a new school year then remember to always be yourself and relax.

Monday, August 11, 2014

3 More Days

My strangers today I am very excited for school. I am so excited I could explode, but I won't because then I wouldn't be able to blog. So without me blogging you might explode, and then no one is happy. So in celebration of three days left until school we will be learning about weird holidays on the 3rd day of a month.

If you would like to know more about these and other holidays please visit my favorite wacky holidays website.

Festival of Sleep Day
When: Always January 3rd

The Day the Music Died Day
When : Always February 3rd

If Pets Had Thumbs Day
When : Always March 3rd

Don't Go to Work Unless It's Fun Day
When: Always April 3rd

Lumpy Rug Day
When: Always on May 3rd

Repeat Day
When : Always June 3rd

Compliment Your Mirror Day
When : Always July 3rd

Watermelon Day
When: Always August 3rd

Skyscraper Day
When : Always September 3rd

Techies Day
When : Always October 3rd

Sandwich Day
When : Always November 3rd

National Roof Over Your Head Day
When : Always December 3rd

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Quick 'Mallow!

I know I have strangers out there who love smores and others who don't, personally I don't.  They have always been too sticky, or we didn't have graham crackers or chocolate.  So I have come up with a way to just use a marshmallow. The name you ask? That just so happends to be...

The Quick 'Malllow!!!

1 marshmallow
1 sheet of wax paper (or microwave safe plate) 2 times as big as marshmallow


#1.  (Picture 1) Place marshmallow in center of wax paper.
#2.  (Picture 2) place marshmallow and wax paper in microwave.
#3.  (Pifture 3) set microwave timer to 30 seconds.
#4.   watch it grow!
#5.   let it cool and eat!


You can also put it on a plate (like I did!) If you don't want to deal with the noise of wax paper.
The bigger the marshmallow the bigger the treat! I used a small marshmallow so small treat (picture 4)

I hope you like it, and I would love to hear how you liked it in the comments below!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

So Boring

My  dear strangers,

This wonderfully boring morning is, well I already said it... wonderfully boring. You might not think I should put the word 'wonderfully' in front of boring but today it is in fact, wonderfully boring. For the past few days I have been waking up at 6: 00 am and going to help my mom in her classroom , but today I got to sleep in and watch tv. Just in case your day is not wonderfully boring then I have compiled a list of actions for you to do , if you dare!

1. Run around your house ten times
2. Chug a cup of water because you are thirsty after running
3. Smile for 5 minutes
4. Brush your teeth
5. Hug someone for ten seconds
6. Lick your knee (1st picture below)
7. Sing a song like a robot
8. Bark at a window when a car goes by
9. Share this blog with a friend!
10. Dress up your pet, or sibling or toes
11. Pour a cup of water on your head
12. Scream your name to the skies
13. Write yourself a long letter to open 2 years from now (seriously, DO IT)
14. Write with your dominant hand (2nd picture below)
15. Make a hand face (3rd picture below)
16. practice an instrument, even if it is found online.
17. Raffle off a toy, and put your name in seventeen times! ;)
18. Mow the lawn, with scissors
19. Make your parents promise to give you a pony for your 19th birthday!
20. Write your name twenty times.( 4th picture below)

I hope you liked my list.  I would like to know how many you have gotten done or other things you do when you are bored, post them in the comments!

      Elena J.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Glasses! Glasses!

They say that seeing is believing, but before now I haven't been believing much because I couldn't see well. So today I finally got my new glasses! They are perfect for my nearsighted eyes! They are purple and are made by Candies' brand! The only bad thing about my glasses are that I keep touching then feeling the need to clean them, all the time!

Anyway if you have glasses (or want them) then I would love to know the color and brand!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Classroom

My dear strangers, today I went to my mothers classroom, and at first it was a mess (picture 1). The only real clean things before achool starts are the freshly waxed floors (picture 2) - those are amazing! We were nearly done with her classroom, but after a while we started messing around with witch glasses (picture 3 ) and wizard cloaks (picture 4). Oh, how I love that wizard cloak.

Please comment if you have anything weird that you do before/during school!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

BBQ and Bluegrass

Today, my fellow strangers, I traveled to a bluegrass festival and they had tons of BBQ. I was psyched to get my hands on some BBQ, but my dearest mother, in an effort to save money, brought snacks instead. By snacks I mean half a bag of Fritos, half a box of crackers, a quarter bag of doritos, and a bag of pluots. If you don't know what a pluot is then I will tell you the definition on the bag..."pluot is plum." Yes that is exactly what it says. Also at the festival they had a bouncy house, a park, a pool, a little pond (picture below) ,lots of BBQ , and amazing music. I definitely want to go again next year.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Hi There!

To all the great strangers that have stumbled upon my page I say one word... hello. And to follow that hello I say that my name is Elena, and I have, as you know, made this blog.
  You may think this is a blog about the homework of 7th grade, drama, body odor, or maybe even makeup. Well you should be pleasantly surprised to know that those subjects are way too ridiculous to be on such an awesome blog. Am I right? Also I just wanted to let you know that in years past I have tried to start a blog but have failed miserably. Alas, I am willing to make this blog last...mostly because my twin, Sophia, (yes I have a twin) challenged me to keep this one some enthusiasm in the comments would be greatly appreciated!!!